Why Regeneration Workplaces?
The constantly changing circumstances, the onset of new disruptive technologies, the ever-intensifying competitive environment, and now the social and economic crisis caused by COVID makes Regeneration Plan for Workplaces ever more relevant. COVID was and still is a driver for change in enterprises and its impact on management and strategies are very relevant Social partners, as representatives of employers, have key roles to play in their adaptation and that of their employees to the post-COVID economy. Many enterprises are adapting to new challenges.
Some of the overall challenges they face are
- To improve their social dialogue capacity.
- To improve the competitiveness of enterprises.
- To respond to new customer’s needs, including digitalisation
- To ensure the sustainability of the jobs they generate.
- To be adequately capitalised to enable investments in digital and green technologies.
- To improve the scope and the quality of service.
- To offer best value for citizens’ money.
- To cope with the lower availability of public finance.
Employers’ organisations are on the front line during the process of management and business strategy changes since they are working directly with employers,. Hence they are the catalysts to ensure that changes are processed in a smoother manner .This partnership between Malta Employers Association and SGI Europe aims to fill data gaps, by analysing practices and idea exchanges, through their first-hand experience relating to forward looking processes and transitions to new styles of management, business strategies and sustainable workplaces. These activities require adaption to new requisites.