Why Regeneration Workplaces?

What makes Regeneration Plan for Workplaces ever more relevant?

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Welcome to Regeneration Plan for Workplaces

Regeneration Plan for Workplaces is an innovative and concrete set of activities conceived to provide a practical response to the COVID crisis. that has puts pressure on employers and national social partners. The project has been funded by the EU and built on the partnership between the Malta Employers Association and SGI Europe .Thanks to their wide network of employers and national social partners information on preparation and adaptation was collected from numerous sources, and from different national social partners.

The collected information and research will be widely, disseminated within Malta Employers’ Association members, and member enterprises and organisations in Europe through SGI Europe. Sectoral seminars have involved representatives of organisations working at European level. The development of the Change Management Manual focused on several topics related to employment and the workplace. A series of TV Programme on the topics were also held in the series of MEA TV Programme.

Who is behind Regeneration Workplaces?

Malta Employers Association

Malta Employers Association The role of the employer carries with it the burden of many responsibilities emanating from the employer-worker relationships within the company. These responsibilities entail critically sensitive elements such as employee relations, relations with government bodies and interpretation of legislation.

Regardless of whether the employer is a large corporation or a small office business, unless these elements are handled competently and professionally they can pose a serious threat of employee unrest, with its negative impact on the Company’s performance and reputation.

In the volatile arenas of industrial relations and social policy, an employer requires immediate expert advice and effective action. It is clear that there is much advantage in fostering an organised unity between all employees. Through this unity comes individual strength.

This is the raison d’être of the Malta Employers’ Association.

SGI Europe

SGI Europe Along with BusinessEurope and ETUC, SGI Europe is one of the three European general cross industry social partners. SGI Europe is an actor in the European social dialogue, having a voice in the European bipartite – in negotiating with trade unions – and tripartite – with social partners and representatives of the EU institutions – social dialogue at the highest level.

We support on a regular basis the European Commission, as well as the European Council and the European Parliament, on any legislative proposal having an impact on Services of General Interest and their place in the Internal Market. SGI Europe also carries out projects promoting the importance of modern public services in Europe. Whether supported by the European Commission or carried out independently, SGI Europe intends to bring a new light on services of general interest, their modernisation and their central role in citizens’ lives.